Setting OVERALL Input Sensitivity

    • #1

    I'1000 dislocated about the setting of input sensitivity. On most devices, I usually set my input sensitivity hot (right earlier clipping on my hardest pick attack) and exit it there for cleans and baloney as this sets sensitivity every bit an absolute relative to the input Non the patch.. On the Kemper, you lot can set up make clean sensitivity and distortion sensitivity separately which seems to reference the PATCH (rig) being played, merely I don't empathize how this relates to your OVERALL input sensitivity equally an absolute.

    What am I missing? Should I plow up clean sensitivity to the point where I'm yellowish and turn it slightly down? Does that control OVERALL input level?

    • #two

    I'm dislocated about the setting of input sensitivity. On most devices, I usually gear up my input sensitivity hot (right earlier clipping on my hardest pick attack) and go out it there for cleans and distortion as this sets sensitivity every bit an accented relative to the input NOT the patch.. On the Kemper, you tin set up clean sensitivity and distortion sensitivity separately which seems to reference the PATCH (rig) being played, but I don't empathise how this relates to your OVERALL input sensitivity as an accented.

    What am I missing? Should I plough up clean sensitivity to the point where I'thou yellowish and turn it slightly down? Does that control OVERALL input level?

    The best matter to do is read the section on 'clean sense and distortion sense in the manual. Basically yous would commonly keep the distortion sense on 0db and adjust the make clean sense then that the clean rigs appear to exist the same apparent volume as the dirty ones. The manual explains it better...but if you lot have peculiarly hot or weak pickups you can suit he distortion sense to correct for this.

    • #3

    This is how I fix make clean sense. Pick a mill make clean rig and play guitar, turn upward the gain to hear the volume deviation. Roll the gain dorsum down and increase the CS until when you turn the gain upwards the volume levels are the aforementioned

    • #4

    ...and then brand it a preset for that guitar! Repeat and rinse, per guitar (or just lock that sucker already!).

    Thank you,

    • #5

    Yes that too, prepare per guitar.

    • #vi

    This is the first time that I have really understood how to use the Clean Sense control. I haven't touched it so far. It is true that sometimes the heavy distorted profiles sound louder than the make clean profiles - playing alone.

    However, with a band....and particular with a louder ring.....the extra volume seems necessary eg the higher gain profiles don't seem too loud....

    The different profiles in my performances are unremarkably using completely different mayhap I should experiment with one of the rigs that I utilise, turning the gain up and down as suggested - but has anyone done this and then found that in a ring context the higher gain versions need more volume?


    • #7

    And lock the input section (there's a button called "lock").

    • #viii

    Thanks to all :) - just my question is Non how to set up the clean sensitivity vs distorted sounds. I read the manual and I do understand that.

    My question is this - my guitar input has a level that's feeding into the input of the Kemper. Independent of the relative loudness of clean vs distorted, the input signal itself tin be louder or softer and I ordinarily set up that level on most amp modelers to be as hot as possible without clipping. I don't see a manner to do that to the OVERALL input level. My Input LED light is greenish and I want to raise that level until it is yellow then pull back a litle. Once more the OVERALL input level - Non the relative volume of clean to distorted tones. Is there something that controls that?

    • #9

    Similar I say I call up what it is you are requiring is what distortion sense volition offer, this you can turn up or downwards to allow for unlike pickup outputs, and then if y'all turn information technology up y'all will increase the input sensitivity/level exist aware though you DO Non want whatever clipping as this in the digital world is very very bad. Promise this helps.

    • #x

    I have a question for yous: why do you Want to set the input level as hot as possible before clipping?

    • #xi

    I have a question for you: why do y'all WANT to set the input level as hot every bit possible earlier clipping?

    Michael is right with this question On a existent amp you can't accommodate the input?
    CS is there to balance book of make clean and dist sounds

    • #12

    OK got it. I'g but used to setting input levels on the inputs of ALL of my digital devices. It seems that you should have shut to clipping volume on input to reduce the racket floor and to brand the betoken equally hot as possible without digital distortion..

    • #13

    In terms of dissonance floor, the KPA doesn't function similar a line level processor. It functions like an amplifier.

    With the KPA, just like a regular amp, increasing the bespeak close to clipping would as well increase the potential for any input noise.

    • #14

    Also the main Noise Gate doesn't work quite like a normal noise gate, so do utilize it.

    • #15

    You only need to set the signal "hot" for 16 bit devices. 24 bit has a massive corporeality of headroom above noise floor.

    • #sixteen

    Besides the principal Noise Gate doesn't work quite like a normal noise gate, so practice apply information technology.

    So how does it work like? What practice yous hateful?

    • #17

    It works more than like a multiband gate, equally far as I understand it. I'm pretty sure there's a ameliorate explanation in the manual, actually. Try it and see! The 2 gates in the Stomps sections behave similar mutual-or-garden gates, however.

    Thank you,

    • #18

    So how does it work similar? What practise y'all mean?

    Similar sambrox says, but I guess the all-time way to put information technology is that it reduces the noise floor (hum etc.) even when the strings are sounding.

    • #19

    Very helpful, guys! Thanks!

    • #twenty

    So IF I am seeing the input led flash cerise, increment the Distortion Sensitivity?